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We want to get more holidaymakers thinking about cruising; if you always thought cruises were only for the older generations or the wealthy, it’s time to think again. At Cruise Nation we’re hoping to break down those myths by showing the pleasure, fun, and excitement a cruise holiday can bring.

Recent Posts

  • Cruise line of the month – P&O

    Cruise line of the month – P&O

    P&O Cruises started out in 1837 when a company called Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation began a mail and passenger service from the UK to Portugal and Spain. It has grown a lot by the 1860’s and then started including routes to China, Japan, India and Australia. It entered the cruise ship industry in the…


  • Destination Of the Month – Norwegian Fjords

    Destination Of the Month – Norwegian Fjords

    The Norwegian Fjords is a great place for cruises year-round as more and more people are realising that there is more to cruising than sunny destinations like the Mediterranean.


  • Top Ten Things You Don’t Need to Worry About on Your Cruise

    Top Ten Things You Don’t Need to Worry About on Your Cruise

    So, you’re thinking of booking a cruise or you already booked it, but you have lots of niggling worries?  We look at the top ten things you really don’t have to worry about when getting ready for your cruise as long as you plan ahead.


